Thursday, January 14, 2010

Do You Need Something From the Cannery?

Sister Wren is making a trip to the Cannery and she has generously offered to pick up your order for you! Here is how she would like you to do it:

You can get a current price list at or I will have a
few copies printed up to hand out. I will not be passing a list as I used to do. Your order should be only in the column to the far right side of the order form or from the already packaged items at the lower left side of the page and also Potato Pearls and Pancake mix as they are already packaged.

You must purchase an entire bag or box of an item (you can find someone to share it with if you'd like to do that on your own).

Your order needs to have the number of cans, lids, plastic lids and oxygen
absorbers along with enough boxes to take care of your cans. The boxes hold
six ( 6 ) cans. If you are doing pouches order the number of pouches you want
and how many oxygen absorbers you need. Everthing gets an absorber except

The labels are free, but you must ask for them You may have one for each can
or pouch. You will need to write what you want on the bottom of your order form.

When your order is completed, please add 10% to help with gas since we will have to pull a trailer to transport the food.

When you go to you can fill out your order and it will total it for you. You can also email it to me as well as print out a copy for yourself. There is no place to do labels, so you can email your list to me

I will need all orders turned in by 21 February 2009 and we will pick it up after the second Tuesday of April. I will let you know the exact date later.

I have made a chart that shows how many cans and pouches are in each product. I will have them with me Sunday.

Checks need to be made out to Mdland 3rd Ward and then our Ward Clerk will make out one check to me taking the 10% out for Norma Wren's expenses.

If you have any questions, my phone #432-458-3321.

Norma Wren