Monday, August 24, 2009

Canning Beef Stew and Chili

You Can Can has posted two new yummy recipes for canning in your pressure cooker. You just bottle these and you'll have a delicious dinner that you can pull off of the pantry shelf! Their chili and beef stew recipes look especially good.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Now Is the Time for FALL Gardening

Planting a garden, even a small one, allows for a greater degree of self-reliance.-, provident living, gardening

It's time to get your Fall garden ready. For more information on West Texas Fall Gardening contact Debbie Frost, county extension agent, 432-498-4071 She is really helpful.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Dry Pack Cans in Midland

My husband and I have half a pallet of #10 cans available to anyone who would like to use them. We have lids and oxygen packets as well. So, if you have something to can give us a call. We will sell them to you for the same price as the LDS cannery (and save you a trip to El Paso). Then take everything over to Sister Cathy Nelson's home and get things canned on the working canner!

Our phone: Bro. and Sis. Noall 432-686-0012