Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Article on Mormon Times

There is an article food storage on Mormon Times that you might want to read- I just scanned over it. The link is here.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Blood Drive Tomorrow

Sis. Hudnall is organizing a blood drive at the Tarelton Building. She says: As a last plea for help I am emailing everyone again to ask for your help with signups for the blood drive. We only have 6 people signed up to donate so far. Please help to fill the spots and make a good showing for this drive. Thursday October 14 4-9pm.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Job Fair In Carrollton, TX

If you are looking for employment check this out: Every Thursday night from 7-9 p.m. Brother Glenn is available to help you with any employment needs. He will be in the primary room of the gateway building. He can help you with resumes, interview skills, etc. Just drop by.

Also: Brother Keate sent out the following email to stake members:

If you are actively seeking a job and have the ability to travel to Dallas there is a Career Fair, see information below. This is a wonderful opportunity and very beneficial to all those that attend.

6th Annual Career Fair
* 19 Oct '10
* 06:30 PM - 09:00 PM
* Carrollton Stake Center
* 4000 Nazarene
Carrollton, TX 75010

Career Fair for professionals. From recent college graduates to senior management, you are invited to network with others in your industry or profession, to explore recent employment trends in our area, to learn about skills for upgrading your career, to participate in a LinkedIn demonstrations, learn how to find and review thousands of jobs using the new website, or simply to have your resume reviewed by an expert. This is a no charge event. Some employers will be present. Keynote address will begin at 6:30 pm Career Group Sessions will begin at 7:00 pm Small group networking sessions based on industry or profession Led by experienced executives and professionals Hear the latest trends in our area Select two from more than a dozen sessions Professional attire expected Bring business cards and resumes