Sister Penny Brown from Midland 2nd Ward found milk in a box in the baking isle at HEB near the canned milk.
I don't have the exact product name- sorry. She said that she couldn't tell any difference from fresh milk when conducting her own mini taste test. Her family said they could detect a slight difference but they liked it far better than powdered milk!
Sister Brown mentioned that it only has a shelf life of about six months. So, you'd have to be dilligent about rotating this. Because of the short shelf life I wouldn't store it instead of powdered milk but it might be nice to have it as an extra in your three month food supply.
Penny said, "[This milk] would really be perfect for cooking if not for drinking. Requires no refrigeration until opened; but does have to be refrigerated after opening. It comes in whole milk and 2%."
Thanks for sharing Penny!